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Codex Limited (“Codex”) recognises that through the day-to-day operation of its business, we are subject to potential risks with regard to Occupational Health & Safety (“OHS”).  We ensure that due consideration is given to the importance of OHS at Codex.  As a result, Codex has established this Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement to communicate awareness and understanding of OHS throughout the business.

We will:

  • Commit to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health that are appropriate to Codex and to the specific nature of our OH&S risks and opportunities.
  • Fulfil relevant legal and other requirements.
  • Raise awareness, provide knowledge and support to employees on OHS management.
  • Commit to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks.
  • Regularly review our OHS practices and policy in accordance with the principles of ISO 45001:2018 and continually look for ways to improve the performance of the OHS management system.
  • Set OH&S performance objectives and establish management programmes to achieve these objectives.
  • Consult with all employees and their representatives on matters affecting their health and safety and encourage participation in OHS initiatives.
  • Provide an adequate hierarchy of control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions including well maintained plant and equipment.
  • Provide training on the importance of OHS on our business and clients’ success, to all appropriate employees, and to other interested parties, in order to:
    1. Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks,
    2. Prevent accidents, incidents, dangerous occurrences and any other cases and cases of work-related ill health,
    3. Ensure safe handling and use of substances.


Codex has appointed a Health and Safety Officer and a Committee to develop and implement company initiatives to help us achieve our OHS objectives and created awareness of OHS.

All employees have been advised that they can access this policy and all other key documents relating to the OHS management system through cubeX, our intranet site. Documents can also be made available to interested parties on request.

Issue No: 04
Issue Date 14th June 2022

Company Policies category