Select category


In order to follow this guide, you will first need to be logged in to your Codex account  

Find all your Contract Items by clicking the  MY CONTRACT PRODUCTS  in the top left corner of the screen.

STEP 2: 

You will then be brought to the Contract Items page. Here you have a number of options:

  • Search specific contract products.
  • Filter contract products i.e by brand or category.
  • Sort contract products by category, A-Z, Z-A.
  • Add contract products to your basket.

STEP 3: 

As you browse products on the store you can use filters to ensure contract only products are shown. 

When you are looking at products within a category, open More Filters and toggle on ‘Display contract products only’, now only products within your contract will show on the page.

This can also be done in your Favourites lists

Online Guides category